Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Sorted for wheels and zizz

I forgot to post this review on the FPI blog HERE

The four of us who are DEFINITELY going to Angouleme now have tickets and accomodation sorted!

Thursday, 5 November 2009

The bastards are coming

We have received confirmation of our booking for an alternative comics booth at the 37th Angouleme festival, the Cannes of comics, exposing ourselves (their wording) from Thursday 28th to Sunday 31st January 2010.
Ah the glamour, the sophistication, the beautiful women, the wine, the cheese....
Look out France , we're on our way!

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Bastards go MCM

You lucky punters will finally be able to get your hands on a copy at London MCM Expo this Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th. Form an orderly queue at the stalls of any of the contributors who are exhibiting, brandish your five pound note, and you will be rewarded with 76 pages of indie comic excellence!
(Cosplay discount entirely up to individual stallholder)

Friday, 2 October 2009


If you’re attending this weekend’s Birmingham International Comic Show, then you might to know that I will have an advance copy of BASTARDS with me for people to look through. Come over to the table I will be sharing with Peet Clack, look at us both, mutter the code word – Bastards – and I’ll show you it. It looks great!

Paul B. Rainey

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Monday, 28 September 2009

A l'abordage

We are the bastard children of British comics.
Here is the first salvo across the bows to launch our assault on the bastions of European comicdom.